Wisdom Tooth Removal In Rocklin CA

Reasons for Their Need to be Pulled

The human mouth typically accommodates 28 teeth rather than 32. When wisdom teeth begin to emerge, there's often inadequate space for their proper growth as the existing slots are already filled. Consequently, 9 out of 10 individuals may require the removal of their wisdom teeth due to impaction. Even if they erupt correctly, wisdom teeth are prone to infections and can potentially develop cysts and tumors (refer to "The Trouble with Wisdom Teeth").

Timing is everything when it comes to wisdom teeth.

Do you observe a prevalent pattern among your peers? Many are opting for wisdom teeth removal. Wondering why? It seems that there's a particular window, typically between ages 17 and 25, when the roots of these teeth aren't fully developed. Consequently, the risk of potential damage to nearby nerves, bones, and teeth is significantly lower during this timeframe.

What should you do now that your dentist has recommended extracting your wisdom teeth?

At Discover Dental, we recognize that contemplating wisdom teeth removal can evoke anxiety, given terms like "surgery" and "extraction." However, we want to assure you that our team is highly skilled and experienced in oral surgery, ensuring a safe, efficient, and comfortable wisdom teeth removal process.

Our primary aim is to create a positive and individualized experience for our patients and their families during wisdom teeth extraction. We are committed to providing support at every step, offering anesthesia options tailored to your preferences. With our compassionate approach, we prioritize your comfort throughout the procedure. Additionally, we offer detailed home care instructions and after-hours contact information for any post-procedure concerns or questions.

Furthermore, we meticulously plan our surgical approach to minimize invasiveness, taking into account the procedure's timing for a smoother recovery.

At Discover Dental, our dedication is to ensure that your wisdom teeth removal is as seamless and comfortable as possible.

The Cost of Wisdom Teeth Removal

The cost of wisdom teeth extraction can vary depending on several factors related to your teenager's condition, including tooth position, the level of impaction, and the number of affected teeth. We will openly discuss all expenses beforehand and help you understand if any part of the procedure is covered by your insurance.