

At Discover Dental, our top priority is the welfare and comfort of our patients. Our team comprises highly skilled professionals dedicated to providing a relaxed and stress-free dental experience. We aim to deliver compassionate, individualized care with precision and gentleness, earning the trust and respect of our patients.

While our primary objective is to maintain the natural integrity of your smile, there are situations where tooth extraction becomes essential to prioritize your oral health and overall well-being.

Our office may recommend tooth extraction for several common reasons.

An over-retained deciduous tooth, commonly known as a "baby" tooth, can experience severe decay or damage. Ordinarily, a baby tooth naturally falls out with the emergence of a permanent tooth. However, some instances occur where the baby tooth remains firmly attached to the bone due to roots not shrinking as anticipated or fusion with the supporting bone. Prolonged retention of baby teeth might impact your child's smile development and alignment. As we monitor your child's growth, we'll advise you if removing a baby tooth is necessary to facilitate the proper eruption of the permanent tooth.

Severe decay in a tooth that can't be restored can cause significant structural damage, potentially leading to nerve damage, dental infections, and other oral health issues. Ignoring a cavity can have substantial consequences for your overall well-being. In cases of extensive structural damage where saving the tooth isn't feasible, dental extraction might be required.

Teeth experiencing severe fractures or cracks beyond repair might need extraction. Various forms of chips, cracks, and fractures can affect teeth, and the severity of the damage determines whether the tooth can be saved or requires extraction.

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, may cause issues if improperly positioned, impacted by adjacent teeth, or affected by decay. Although wisdom tooth extraction is often recommended for older individuals, early removal of problematic or potentially troublesome third molars is commonly advised for young adults.

When teeth are disproportionately sized for the jaw, overcrowding can occur, leading to an improperly aligned smile. As part of an orthodontic treatment plan to achieve a well-aligned, attractive, healthy, and functional bite, extraction of specific permanent teeth may be necessary.

What is the process for performing a tooth extraction?

Our dental practice is dedicated to delivering exceptional care for dental extractions, regardless of the underlying reasons. Our dentist will carefully review your medical and dental histories and discuss any specific considerations for your treatment.

It's crucial to disclose any existing medical conditions or current medications you are taking. Depending on the situation, additional precautions such as antibiotics or adjustments to medication may be necessary. Medical clearance might also be required. Please adhere to all pre-surgical instructions and notify us if you feel unwell or experience any symptoms on the day of your surgery.

Our primary aim is to ease anxiety and ensure your comfort during the tooth extraction process. Before the procedure, we'll address any medical concerns or precautions and provide detailed pre-surgical instructions. Additionally, we'll discuss post-surgical recommendations, including options for replacing the extracted tooth or teeth and ongoing care.

To accurately evaluate the tooth and determine the suitable extraction method, a comprehensive examination and, if necessary, digital radiographs will be performed. Extractions are typically categorized as either "simple" or "surgical extractions."

What Is A Simple Extraction?

During the dental procedure, our dentist will delicately remove a visible tooth with a standard root structure, devoid of any unusual hooks, fusion with surrounding bone, or unique characteristics. Ensuring your comfort, a local anesthetic will be administered to numb the tooth and its surrounding tissues. The dentist will gently detach any connected periodontal tissues and utilize forceps to extract the tooth. Rest assured, your comfort and relaxation remain our top priorities throughout the entire dental procedure.

What Is A Surgical Extraction?

When teeth are extensively damaged, fused to the jawbone, or impacted, a surgical extraction is typically required. In such cases, we may refer you to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon specialized in this procedure. During a surgical extraction, a small incision is made in the soft tissues to facilitate the precise removal of the bone covering the tooth, improving access for extraction. Similar to any tooth extraction, patients receive a local anesthetic to ensure complete numbness in the affected tooth and surrounding area.