Teeth whitening In Rocklin CA


Teeth whitening, or bleaching, enhances the brightness of teeth through various options such as toothpastes, rinses, strips, and gels available without a prescription. However, professional treatments and take-home kits are also accessible. It's essential to recognize that the most reliable and safest teeth whitening systems are those offered by dentists. These systems boast higher concentrations of whitening agents and are administered under professional guidance. While over-the-counter products might suffice for those with healthy teeth and gums, they pose risks if there are underlying dental concerns.

The process of a teeth whitening procedure

Two primary types of whitening products are available: those containing bleaching agents with peroxide and whitening toothpastes. Among peroxide-based bleaching agents, the majority of whitening systems utilize either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide as their active components.

The potency, efficacy, and safety of a whitening system are contingent upon the concentration of these ingredients. Teeth whitening operates through a chemical reaction between the bleaching agent and the molecules responsible for discoloration. This reaction effectively dismantles and eliminates stains and discoloration from the teeth.

Factors to consider when providing care

At Discover Dental, we harmonize art and science to craft stunning, healthy smiles. Our array of advanced cosmetic dental services encompasses teeth whitening among other offerings. It's crucial to acknowledge that the outcomes can differ depending on the nature of stains and prior dental work. Yellow-hued teeth typically witness substantial enhancements, whereas brown or grayish discoloration might necessitate alternative treatments. Teeth whitening may not be advisable for individuals with sensitive teeth, worn enamel, or gum disease. Rely on our expert evaluation for personalized guidance towards achieving a healthier, radiant smile.

Post-teeth whitening care

Here are some tips to maximize the benefits of a teeth whitening procedure:
  1. In the 48 hours following an in-office teeth whitening treatment, be mindful of your diet. It takes a couple of days for the protective layer of your teeth to fully recover, so avoid deeply colored foods and drinks that could cause stains. This includes coffee, red wine, dark soft drinks, teas, berries, grapes, chocolate, and other dark-colored foods.
  2. Avoid smoking as it can contribute to teeth staining and yellowing. Post a teeth whitening procedure, it's advisable to refrain from smoking for at least the initial few days. Reducing or quitting smoking not only improves your smile's appearance but also fosters better oral health and overall well-being.
  3. Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures for a few days after the procedure is common. This discomfort typically diminishes over time, but you can manage it by using over-the-counter pain medication and toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth.
  4. It's crucial to recognize that the results of teeth whitening procedures can vary among individuals. Factors such as your starting tooth shade, dietary habits, and oral care practices can influence both immediate and long-term outcomes. Moreover, teeth whitening does not alter the color of existing fillings, crowns, bridges, or dental bonding. If this poses a concern, alternative options for replacing a restoration can be explored.
  5. Maintain your treatment results by upholding good oral hygiene practices and attending regular dental check-ups. As needed, we provide a take-home whitening system for occasional touch-ups.
At Discover Dental, our commitment is to deliver exceptional care. If you have further questions or concerns about your teeth whitening procedure, please don't hesitate to reach out to our office.