Sleep Apnea Treatment In Rocklin CA
At Discover Dental, we understand the importance of quality sleep for your overall health. A peaceful night's sleep not only fosters a sense of well-being but also boosts your performance. In the United States, approximately 25 million adults grapple with obstructive sleep apnea, and numerous others contend with the issue of snoring. Our goal is to provide effective solutions to address these concerns, allowing you to enjoy tranquil and uninterrupted sleep.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a grave condition characterized by interruptions in breathing during sleep, posing potential threats to one's life. The predominant form, known as obstructive sleep apnea, arises when the airway becomes obstructed, disrupting the usual flow of oxygen through the nose or mouth. Those afflicted by this condition experience a significant relaxation of throat and mouth muscles during sleep, resulting in their collapse and subsequent blockage of the airway, leading to difficulties in breathing.

What are the indications of sleep apnea?

People affected by this disorder might encounter symptoms such as loud snoring, pauses in breathing, sudden awakenings, gasping for air, and challenges in obtaining restful sleep during the night. Sleep apnea can also contribute to morning headaches, excessive daytime drowsiness, trouble focusing, and daytime irritability. Additionally, it frequently correlates with other medical conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular problems, heart conditions, acid reflux, and depression.

How can I determine if I have sleep apnea?

A medical professional can perform a sleep study to diagnose the presence and severity of the condition. The results from this study, along with other medical observations, will be utilized to identify the most appropriate therapy.


A frequently employed approach to address obstructive sleep apnea involves the use of a CPAP machine during sleep. This apparatus delivers a continuous flow of pressurized air into the respiratory system through a mask.


Individuals experiencing mild to moderate sleep apnea or snoring often receive recommendations for oral appliances. These devices, akin to mouthguards or orthodontic retainers, are worn to prevent the collapse of the tongue and soft tissues in the throat during sleep, effectively keeping the airway open. Different designs are available to cater to individual needs. Nonetheless, the main goal of treatment is to reduce the frequency and duration of apneas, hypopneas, and snoring.


In our practice, we specialize in Dental Sleep Medicine, committed to providing expert, dependable, and personalized care. Our approach involves a comprehensive assessment of your needs and oral structure, ensuring precise impressions of your teeth for optimal results. The appliances we offer are meticulously crafted to be highly effective and comfortable, promoting a safer and more rejuvenating night's sleep. In addition to the careful design and customization of each appliance, we offer ongoing monitoring and adjustments to maximize health benefits and preserve the integrity of your smile. It's crucial to note that many individuals with sleep apnea may be unaware of their condition. If you suspect that you or a loved one may have sleep apnea, please don't hesitate to contact our office today!